Case Studies

A Florida municipality completed the testing of Engineous GO-15-HF™  in 11 city vehicles including police patrol vehicles, motor cycles and trucks with Cummins Diesel engines.

The first vehicles tested were 7 patrol cars with V6 engines. These vehicles were both gasoline and natural gas powered. Three of the seven vehicles were treated with Engineous GO-15-HF™  and four were un-treated.

This was done to provide a test basis on identical vehicles in a controlled study environment. The results of the patrol car tests showed an average of 16.63% increase in MPG with one treatment of Engineous GO-15-HF™ .


ID# Model MLS/HRS Fuel Used MPG
306 Treated V6 Chevy 19902 1838.1 10.82
308 Treated V6 Chevy 33316 3025.9 11.01
309 Treated V6 Chevy 20417 1559.3 13.09
304 Un-Treated V6 Chevy 19927 2024.3 9.84
310 Un-Treated V6 Chevy 16206 1619.2 10.01
311 Un-Treated V6 Chevy 31353 3102.0 10.10
317 Un-Treated V6 Chevy 36570 3656.7 10.00

The overall aggregate increase in MPG for all vehicle types was an impressive 19.95%, which
resulted in approximated annual savings of $20,000 on $100,000 in fuel bills.

The tests on the Florida municipality were conducted over a 14-month period.

“Any technology that can increase MPG as this study illustrates has got our attention”.

Two ambulances with Cummins engines were also studied. One of the ambulances was treated with Engineous GO-15-HF™ , the other was not.


ID# Model MLS/HRS Fuel Used MPG
364 Treated Freight Liner 13052 1790.3 7.29
R62 Un-Treated Freight Liner 12707 2231.6 5.69

Treated ambulance increased 28.1% in MPG using a single treatment of Engineous GO-15-HF™

Two air cooled Harley Davidson patrol motorcycles were tested. One was treated with
Engineous GO-15-HF™ , the other was not.


ID# Model MLS/HRS Fuel Used MPG
332 Treated Harley 7526 191.1 39.4
331 Un-Treated Harley 7040 203.3 34.8

The overall aggregate increase in MPG for all vehicle types was an impressive 19.95%, which
resulted in approximated annual savings of $20,000 on $100,000 in fuel bills.

The tests on the Florida municipality were conducted over a 14-month period.

Trust Seals Trust Seals